Saturday, 15 March 2014


  Pricing can be very difficult thing to as you don’t want to undersell yourself this is why agencies can be helpful as they will help your price your work but if you don’t want to sign on with one you can join or use the AOI website ( The AOI are there to help freelance illustrators who don’t have and agency, every year they update their information on fees, pricing and copy write issues.
  Fees can be worked out by the amount of work that the job will take, any changes need, a tight deadline, attractiveness of the job and your reputation at the time. 

Magazines and newspapers
   When the art directors look for an illustrator to hire they will already have a set budget that they can use, and the budget depends on the company the bigger the company the bigger the budget. This is something to consider when you approach or are approached by these companies so research who they are and how there paper is distributed.
-A cover will pay about £500-1000
-Inside illustrations pay about £150-400 depending on the size

-Full page image inside pay about £450-800

Book covers
-Book cover prices can mainly depend on how popular the writer is and how it will sell and pay can range from £400-1000

Recorded covers
  This is very similar to book covers the pay will depend on how popular the band in there industry

Educational books
-Double page spread £300-500

Children books
  When you work on children’s books it’s a long job that can last 6 months or longer. When working out what you will be paid you agree with the writer or publishers and acceptable fee then times it by the number of hours you think it will take. Generally you will be paid £3000-5000 for the whole book; the payment will come in 3 instalments that you will have decided with the person you’re working for. Usually you will be paid for first ruffs, completed images and then when the book is published. They are currently trying to change this as it can take a few years between you completing your end and when the book is published. 

Greetings cards
-£150-250 per design

-Covers £400-1200
-Inside £150-1000

-£250-1500 depends on design and company

-Quater page Black and white £600
-Full page £1000-2500


 When you create an image for a company it’s a good idea not to hand over the copy write for that images as if they wish to keep using the image every year they will have to pay you a steady fee. Generally a re-use fee is 50% or the original fee paid.
 There are times where you will work hard on an image and then the company decideds they don’t want to use it but they still have to pay you part of the fee depending on how far you are along. If you were at the rough stage they will have to pay you 25% of the original price if you are at the art work stage they have to pay 50%. There are also situations where you’ll finish the piece and the company won’t like it or want it changed too much in this situation they will have to pay you 50% or the original price and no one owns the copy write usage of that image.

 Sometimes you will sign on to a job and the company will have problems or will just cancel the job but they are still entitled to pay you.
-Before roughs 25% of the original price
-Delivery of roughs 33% of the original price
-Delivery of the artwork 100% of the original price
 And other stage will be worked out accordingly. But if they pay you 100% of the money they will still have the right to that image because they paid you.
  If you work on a job and they keep changing the brief you are entitled to ask for more money as this what not what you originally worked out at the beginning of the project. 

Copy write
  It’s never good to give away copy write not just because you won’t get any royalties but because they could sell your image on and it could then get used out of context.  They would also have the right to change your image. So it’s always wise to read the small print on all contracts. 

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