Tuesday 18 March 2014


  To help promote myself I plan to enter a few competitions as well this will help add variety to my portfolio and help me work to different kinds of briefs and deadlines. I plane to enter a range of competitions I have found some with close deadlines and some that have yet to be announced. One of the competitions I wanted to enter has sadly closed due to I only found out about it today but I plan on entering next year as it runs every year. Adventures in comics I like the fact you have to add a narrative over a double page spread in this one, its a very free brief with a only a phrase to go off. I have emailed the company who run this to enquire if  they are running any other competitions this year.
  The main competition I would like to enter is penguin design award as they have a great prize where you can intern with the company for 4 weeks, this would be an amazing experience and I would feel that I have missed out if I didn't try and enter this competition. I plan on entering the children's book cover awards because this is more what my work is tailored to. I also plan on entering the Cheltenham illustration awards and Thought bubbles competition as these will add variety and a chance to try somethings new with my work.

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